Board Minutes 3/18/2020

Cowlitz County Community Network

Board Meeting

Cowlitz County Administration Building Annex 2nd Floor Conference Room

March 18, 2020, 11:30 – 12:50PM

Present: Board members Michael O’Neill, Kay Gunter, Louise Brown and Sharon Weinhold, Coordinator.

Excused: Tiffany Ames, Olivia Aumiller, Laurie Severson

Unexcused: None

Quorum: Yes

Welcome and Introductions: Michael welcomed those present and thanked them for their participation. Seating allowed for social distancing.

Board Membership: Pastor Megan Filer and Zaheen Khan submitted letters announcing their resignation from the Board.

-Pastor Filer, pastor at Bethany Lutheran Church, attended several Board meetings in 2017 before becoming a Network Board member in January 2018. At the time, she was new to the community, saw the significant needs of children and families in this area and was interested in finding ways to fill them. In her resignation letter, she stated that “I have been so thankful for my experience these last 2 1/2 years serving with everyone, and would like to still stay involved as a Community Charter member.” Pastor Filer added a useful faith community perspective to the Network’s planning and work and her time on the Board is greatly appreciated.

-Zaheen, Financial Education Coordinator at Fibre Federal Credit Union, became a Network Board member in July 2019. He also was new to the area and expressed interest in contributing to the community by providing financial literacy training for young people and adults. While his tenure on the Board was short, we did partner together on several financial literacy trainings and will continue to do so in the future. He cited time constraints as the reason for leaving the Board.    

February 19, 2020 Minutes: The Board meeting minutes were sent to the Board members for their review prior to the Board meeting. Of the six action items listed, five were completed. One action item, the item to transfer $2,270 to Youth and Family Link for the next Parent Support Group 10-week cycle to begin in May or later, depending on the status of the Covid-19 pandemic, has not taken place.

Motion to approve the February 19, Network Board meeting minutes as presented:

Kay; second: Louise. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Grant Status Report:

Current Grants Status:

-Financial Literacy Training ($10,000). This funding for Financial Literacy Training is available for one year through June 30, 2020, and will be used to train at-risk youth and families who live in poverty or have very low incomes, are homeless or at risk of homelessness, or are financially vulnerable. Amount expended through February 29, 2020, $5,910; amount reimbursed, $5,144.

-Behavioral Health Grant Help for At-Risk Youth with Behavioral Issues in Child Care ($22,900). This funding for Behavioral Health training is available for two years through June 30, 2021. The funding will be used to help children with behavioral challenges in child care by providing training for childcare providers and family members who work with and/or have children with behavioral challenges. Amount expended through February 29, 2020, $7,233; amount reimbursed, $6,400.

Community Foundation for SW Washington ($25,000). The Network received $25,000 from the CFSWWA in late December 2019. The funding is available through December 31, 2020. This funding will be used to support and help the growing number of children with behavior challenges, including those with extreme behavior and mental health challenges, and enhance the work of the Community Charter members in gaining more resources in our community for these children and their families. Amount expended through February 29, 2020, $1,332.

-The Network received $1,000 from the Longview Junior Service League in March 2020. The funds will be used to provide training for childcare providers and parents who work with children with behavior challenges.

Approval of Expenditures:

The Itemized Voucher amounting to $3013.98 was presented to the Network Board for review and approval. The bills presented were:

Invoice 109-2019          Cowlitz County Purchasing Svc, Phone, January 2020               $     13.98

Invoice 2020 3T           Cowlitz County Treasurer, January Payroll/Processing             $3,000.00

Payroll for the period February 1, 2020 through February 29, 2020 was $2,507.56, which includes the cost of the payroll and associated employer costs. Payroll processing charges were $54.66. As of February 29, 2020, the balance in the checking account used for payroll and payroll processing was $1,811. All other Network funds are held with the Cowlitz County Treasurer’s Office.

Motion to approve the voucher as presented: Louise; second: Kay. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Financial Literacy Training:

-Grant Details. The Financial Literacy Grant funding is for training at-risk youth and families who are financially vulnerable. The training topics are geared to the audience and may include Bank on It, Setting Financial Goals, Borrowing Basics, Saving for Cars/College/Housing and more depending on the participants.

-The Network completed a four part series of Financial Literacy trainings for after school program participants at Barnes Elementary School on February 26. The trainings were on January 22, February 5, February 12 and February 26. Feedback from the participants, the Barnes Site Coordinator and the After School Program Director has been excellent. A similar series of Financial Literacy trainings for after school program participants at Catlin Elementary School was conducted on March 4 and 11. There is an opportunity for similar trainings at Wallace Elementary Schools.

-The Network presented two sessions of Financial Literacy training for Columbia Wellness clients on February 26. Ten people participated in the morning Budgeting session; eleven people participated in the evening Credit session. All participants received handouts for both topics. Feedback was excellent. There were questions/comments and all said they learned something new that they could use.

-Participated in the Capital Asset Building Coalition meeting on March 10.

-Due to actions taken in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic, the following activities the Network hosts or participates in have been postponed: Catlin Elementary School trainings on March 18 and 25; Wallace Elementary School after school program training series in April; Financial Reality Fairs for high school students on March 26 and 31, and April 2; Money Smart Week Activity at the Children’s Community Museum in April; and two trainings for Columbia Wellness Clients on April 22. These activities will be rescheduled when appropriate.

ACTION: Reschedule Financial Literacy training activities postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic when appropriate and continue to explore other opportunities for Financial Literacy training. (Sharon)

-To continue Financial Literacy work during the pandemic, the Network will:

  • email budgeting and credit information to organizations with clients who could benefit from them, and
  • invite people who receive behavior health best practices to request budgeting and credit information if they are interested.

ACTION: Email budgeting and credit information to organizations with clients who could benefit from them; invite people who receive behavior health best practices to request budgeting and credit information if they are interested. (Sharon)

Behavioral Health Grant:

-Grant Details. The Behavioral Health Grant funding provides technical assistance and training for child care providers who serve children with behavioral issues, and offers training and resources for family members who have children with behavioral challenges.

-Presented Conscious Discipline training for Kalama School District parents and guardians on March 3.

-Met with the Family Promise staff on February 24 and March 4 to discuss trauma informed care and Conscious Discipline training for staff and clients.

-Met with the manager of Lilac Place in Woodland on March 11 to discuss Conscious Discipline training in Woodland in June.

-Prepared and sent three behavioral health best practice emails on February 24, March 10 and 17.

-Due to actions taken in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic, the following activities the Network hosts or participates in have been postponed: Conscious Discipline training for Foster Parents on March 16; training for Kalama School District staff on April 14; and training for Family Promise staff and parents in April. Also postponed are events the Network is a partner or participates in: Together We Can on March 26 and the Celebration of Children Week activities event scheduled for April. These activities will be rescheduled when appropriate.

ACTION: Reschedule Behavioral Health activities postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic when appropriate and continue to explore opportunities for Conscious Discipline/NEAR training. (Sharon)

-To continue Behavioral Health work during the pandemic, the Network will:

  • increase the number of behavioral health best practice emails to once a week, and
  • invite those who receive behavioral health best practice emails to share them with a friend or others who could benefit.

ACTION: Increase the number of behavioral health best practice emails to once a week; invite those who receive behavioral health best practice emails to share them with a friend or others who could benefit. (Sharon)

Community Charter Activities.

-Twenty community organizations that work closely with children and families have “signed” the Cowlitz Community Charter 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives.

-After discussion, it was determined that the Network would proceed with organizing and information gathering for a report to spread community awareness of the current support needs for children and families, and the effects that ripple outward across the system due to gaps in services. Michael volunteered to provide an outline of the report so information gathering can begin.

ACTION: Provide an outline of the report to spread community awareness of the current support needs for children and families, and the effects that ripple outward across the system due to gaps in services. (Michael)

Network Coordinator Job Description: It was discussed and agreed that Sharon and Louise would work together to prepare a Network Coordinator Job Description using the previously provided list of job duties performed by the Coordinator.

ACTION: Prepare a Network Coordinator Job Description. (Sharon and Louise)

Upcoming Events: Meetings and activities throughout the community have been postponed or cancelled due to the Covid-19 virus.


ACTION: Reschedule Financial Literacy training activities postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic when appropriate and continue to explore other opportunities for Financial Literacy training. (Sharon)

ACTION: Email budgeting and credit information to organizations with clients who could benefit from them; invite people who receive behavior health best practices to request budgeting and credit information if they are interested. (Sharon)

ACTION: Reschedule Behavioral Health activities postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic when appropriate and continue to explore opportunities for Conscious Discipline/NEAR training. (Sharon)

ACTION: Increase the number of behavioral health best practice emails to once a week; invite those who receive behavioral health best practice emails to share them with a friend or others who could benefit. (Sharon)

ACTION: Provide an outline of the report to spread community awareness of the current support needs for children and families, and the effects that ripple outward across the system due to gaps in services. (Michael)

ACTION: Prepare a Network Coordinator Job Description. (Sharon and Louise)

Next Meeting: April 15, 2020