Board Minutes 2/16/21

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting

Cowlitz County Admin Building Annex | 207 4th Avenue N. Kelso, WA 98626

Tuesday, February 16, 2021 | 11:30 – 1:00PM


Present by Phone: Michael O’Neill, Kay Gunter, Louise Brown, Gabby Meador,

Charlie Gourde, Jeane Conrad, Corie Dow-Cramer, Tynna Purtteman Guests: Amanda Davis

Staff: Amber Rosewood

Additions to Agenda

There were no additions to the agenda.

Welcome and Introductions

Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation. A call-in number was provided for Board members and guests. 

Minutes and Actions

The January 19, 2021 Board meeting minutes were sent to members for their review prior to the meeting. Of the five action items, two were completed and three are in progress.

Motion to approve the January 19, 2021 Board meeting minutes as presented (Charlie), second (Gabby). The motion carried.

Grant Status Reports

Cowlitz County Health & Human Services Financial Literacy Grant                           $10,000

Financial Literacy Training | Jul 1, 2020 – Jun 30, 2021      

Current Request: $ 755.00 | Remaining Balance: $4,971.00

Financial Literacy funding is for training at-risk youth and financially vulnerable families. Training topics are geared to the audience and may include Bank on It, Setting Financial Goals, Borrowing Basics, Saving for Cars/College/Housing, etc. CCN Financial Literacy emails to stakeholders include lessons for children and information on budgeting and credit for adults.

CCN is working to schedule a series of virtual and recorded trainings in collaboration with community partners.

  • : Finalize Financial Literacy training presenters and promote events (Amber)

Cowlitz County Health & Human Services Behavioral Health Grant                           $10,800

Help for At-Risk Youth with Behavioral Issues in Child Care | Jul 1, 2019 – Jun 30, 2021

Current Request: $500.00 | Remaining Balance: $ 6,126.00

Behavioral Health funding provides technical assistance and training for childcare providers who serve children with challenging behavioral needs and support for families. CCN Behavioral Health emails to stakeholders include a connection to local learning opportunities and behavioral health evidence-based information and resources.

CCN is working to schedule a series of virtual learning opportunities for child care providers and families to include STARS/CEU eligible Conscious Discipline curriculum.

  • : Finalize Behavioral Health training facilitators and promote events (Amber)

Community Foundation of SW WA Behavioral Health Grant:                                      $25,000

Help for At-Risk Youth with Behavioral Issues in Child Care | Awarded Dec 2019

Current Expenditures: N/A | Remaining Balance: $11,661.35

The Behavioral Health funding provides technical assistance and training for childcare providers and offers training and resources for family members who have children with behavioral challenges. The Network applied for additional funding but was not chosen as a grantee for 2021.

CCN is scheduling a virtual book club to begin reading Conscious Discipline – Expanded and Updated and will pilot an online book club using a Private Facebook Group to begin reading Easy to Love, Hard to Discipline.

  • ACTION: Finalize start dates and register participants for both book clubs (Amber)

WA Department of Commerce/Seattle Foundation Child Care Partnership Grant     $60,000

Child Care Access Report | Sep 23, 2020 – Jun 30, 2021

Current Request: $2,762.20 | Remaining Balance: $54,970.60

This grant was awarded in the amount of $30,000 in reimbursable funds from the Dept of Commerce and $30,000 in upfront funding from the Seattle Foundation. Monthly invoices reflect the split in funding. Child Care Partnership funding CCN supports local partnerships to develop action plans that stabilize and expand child care capacity for underserved areas and for historically marginalized communities. The project funds the supplemental work of the Cowlitz Community Charter as outlined in the 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives.

CCN has finalized subcontract agreements with Youth and Family Link and the Children’s Discovery Museum; and Partnership agreements with the Highlands Neighborhood Association and the Revitalization-Association of South Kelso. There are five partner organizations currently reviewing contracts. Next steps in outreach include additional partner organizations, School Districts and child care providers. The English version of the Child Care Family Survey is live and Spanish and Chuukese translations will be provided for families. CCN will be advertising with The Daily News, Columbia River Reader and on social media for grant activities.

  • ACTION: Send CCPG information and the Communication Toolkit to board members (Amber)

Old Business The board welcomed board applicant Tynna Purtteman. Tynna shared information about her background and experience with Janus Youth Programs of Cowlitz County.

Motion to appoint Tynna Purtteman to the CCN Board (Louise); second (Charlie). The motion carried.

New Business

Amber, Jeane and Kay met to discuss Board Recruitment and Retention. Ideas included reaching out to potential board members from the smaller cities in Cowlitz County, create an onboarding process and provide historical reference materials and documents for new board members.

Financial Report

The February Funds Status Report and Expense Report were sent to members for their review prior to the meeting. Board members approved purchases outside of the normal monthly expenses to include an ad package from The Daily News and Columbia River Reader and Facebook advertising for the CCPG and charges for the website migration.


Cowlitz County Treasurer                  Payroll Transfer                                        $  3,000.00

Cowlitz County Purchasing                Nov/Dec Phone                                               $       19.96

ADP                                                    Payroll                                            $  2,880.52

ADP                                                    Payroll Fees                                   $       59.68

Survey Monkey                                   Feb Subscription                                             $      107.02

Zoom                                                   Feb Subscription                                             $        16.20

Boast                                                   Feb Subscription                                             $        49.00

Conscious Discipline                          Book Order                                                     $   2,200.38

Account Balances

Red Canoe Savings                                                                                                    $        10.16

Red Canoe Checking                                                                                                 $   3,863.81

Cowlitz County Treasurer                                                                                           $ 86,739.84

Motion to approve the Expense Report (Kay); second (Jeane). The motion carried.

Upcoming Community Events

Virtual Strengthening Families

  • March 1 – April 20


Board Action Items

Staff Action Items

  1. Finalize Financial Literacy training presenters and promote events
  2. Finalize Behavioral Health training facilitators and promote events
  3. Finalize start dates and register participants for both book clubs
  4. Send CCPG information and the Communication Toolkit to board members

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 11:30am-1pm