Board Minutes 8/16/2022

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting 

Tuesday, August 16th, 2022 | 12:00PM – 1:00PM 


Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Kay Gunter, Gabby Meador, Corie Dow-Kramer 

Absent: Laurie Severson, Jeane Conrad 

Guests Present:  

Staff Present: Rochelle Fassold 

Introductions and Icebreaker 

Additions to Agenda 

Consent Agenda 

Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting. 

  • 07-2022 CCN Minutes (draft) 
  • 08-2022 Treasurer’s Report 
  • 08-2022 Red Canoe statement  

Motion: Louise motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Gabby seconded, and the motion carried. 

Rochelle to get further explanation on treasurer report items 

Old Business 

  • More Power paid, Josh Carter, board president of the Children’s Discovery Museum agreed to provide as needed tech support for the Network for minimal costs (up to $25/hr)  

New Business 

  • Additional funding from the Childcare partnership grant was not approved 
  • Advocacy Campaign Ideas to address child care crisis- 
  • Follow up meeting scheduled for September 14th from 6:30pm-8pm  
  • Ideas to prepare talking points for people to write letters into the Daily News and go to local legislative meetings to share their stories of how the child care crisis affects them 
  • CFSWW focus grant FFN project outline and progress 
  • Discussion on the feedback from Maka and thoughts on creating an advisory committee, taking steps to ensure we reach every part of the community 
  • Corie suggested connecting with Sally at the Ethnic Support Council 

Community Events 

Squirrel Fest, August 20th–  

Woodland back to School Bash- August 20th, 3-6pm, backpacks and food provided 

Y&F back to school resource fair, August 24th– 10am-2pm, approx. 600 backpacks provided by Red Canoe.  Also 200 backpacks will be available at the Wallace Elementary event 

Kalama Back to School event, August 25th, table reserved 3-6pm-Kay and Louise volunteered to attend and help out 

Next Meeting  

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 20th, 2022, 12-1pm