Board Minutes 2/19/2020

Cowlitz County Community Network

Board Meeting

Cowlitz County Administration Building Annex 2nd Floor Conference Room

February 19, 2020, 11:30 – 1:05PM

Present: Board members Michael O’Neill, Kay Gunter, Tiffany Ames, Corie Dow-Kramer for Olivia Aumiller, Louise Brown and Sharon Weinhold, Coordinator. Guests were Amanda Davis and Gayle Reid, Cowlitz County Health and Human Services; and Garrett Harrison, Youth and Family Link; and Laurie Severson and Jill Groves, Head Start.

Excused: Pastor Megan Filer and Zaheen Khan


Quorum: Yes

Welcome and Introductions: Michael welcomed everyone. Since there were new people at the table, he asked that introductions be made around the room.

Board Membership: Laurie Severson submitted an application to become a member of the Network Board. She is the Education Manager for Head Start/ECEAP/EHS and has worked with the Network over the past 2 years on providing Conscious Discipline training for childcare providers, parents and others. In her application she said she would love to be a part of this board because she is passionate about the needs of this community and its children and families. She said Jill will be her alternate and one of them should be available to attend all board meetings.

Motion to approve Laurie Severson’s application to become a member of the Network Board: Tiffany; second: Louise. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

January 15, 2020 Minutes: The Board meeting minutes were sent to the Board members for their review prior to the Board meeting. Of the twelve action items listed, eleven were completed. One action item, the item to transfer $1,270 to Youth and Family Link for the next Parent Support Group 10-week cycle to begin the first week in February, will be revisited later in the meeting.

Motion to approve the January 15, Network Board meeting minutes as presented:

Kay; second: Tiffany. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Grant Status Report:

Current Grants Status:

-Financial Literacy Training ($10,000). This funding for Financial Literacy Training is available for one year through June 30, 2020, and will be used to train at-risk youth and families who live in poverty or have very low incomes, are homeless or at risk of homelessness, or are financially vulnerable. Amount expended through January 31, 2020, $5,144; amount reimbursed, $4,467.

-Behavioral Health Grant Help for At-Risk Youth with Behavioral Issues in Child Care ($22,900). This funding for Behavioral Health training is available for two years through June 30, 2021. The funding will be used to help children with behavioral challenges in child care by providing training for childcare providers and family members who work with and/or have children with behavioral challenges. Amount expended through January 31, 2020, $6,401; amount reimbursed, $5,552.

Approval of Expenditures:

The Itemized Voucher amounting to $3317.30 was presented to the Network Board for review and approval. The bills presented were:

Invoice 769-2019         Cowlitz County Purchasing Svc, Phone, December 2019 $     17.00

Invoice 2020 2T           Cowlitz County Treasurer, January Payroll/Processing             $3,000.00

Invoice L134703           State Auditor’s Office                                                             $   300.30       

Payroll for the period January 1, 2020 through January 31, 2020 was $2,507.56, which includes the cost of the payroll and associated employer costs. Payroll processing charges were $54.66. As of January 31, 2020, the balance in the checking account used for payroll and payroll processing was $1,373. All other Network funds are held with the Cowlitz County Treasurer’s Office.

Motion to approve the voucher as presented: Kay; second: Tiffany. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Financial Literacy Training:

-Grant Details. The Financial Literacy Grant funding is for training at-risk youth and families who are financially vulnerable. The training topics are geared to the audience and may include Bank on It, Setting Financial Goals, Borrowing Basics, Saving for Cars/College/Housing and more depending on the participants.

-The Network presented three Financial Literacy trainings to after school program participants at Barnes Elementary School. The trainings were on January 22, February 5 and February 12. The last training will be on February 26. Feedback from the participants, the Barnes Site Coordinator and the After School Program Director has been excellent. There is an opportunity for additional similar trainings at Caitlin and Wallace Elementary Schools beginning in March.

-The Network participated with Fibre Federal Credit Union to present Financial Literacy training for eleven GED students at Goodwill on February 7. The students were very engaged and indicated they learned something useful from the training.

ACTION: Continue to explore opportunities for Financial Literacy training. (Sharon)

Behavioral Health Grant:

-Grant Details. The Behavioral Health Grant funding provides technical assistance and training for child care providers who serve children with behavioral issues, and offers training and resources for family members who have children with behavioral challenges.

-Conscious Discipline training was presented to Head Start parents and guardians on February 13. Eleven parents/guardians participated. Feedback was excellent.

-The Network gave a Conscious Discipline presentation to Ministerial Association members on February 18. There was good discussion and interest.

-The Network is will meet with the Kalama School District personnel today to discuss providing Conscious Discipline training for parents/guardians and staff.

-The second Parent Support Group hosted by Youth and Family Link began the first week in February. This support group has been funded by another group and Network funding will be used for the third Parent Support Group. The first meeting of the Second Support Group was dedicated to completing an evidence based assessment to measure parenting stress before and after the support group series. Nine families participated in the first meeting. After learning from the first Parent Support Group series, several changes have been made for the second. One change is the care of the children of parents participating in the Support Group. For the first series, the children of support group members participated in open gym. The staff present for open gym provided oversight of these children. During the first group, it was determined that these children needed added support and participation in open gym was not ideal. Added staffing supervision of these children will cost $1,000. This staff also would provide structured learning, e.g., soothing, calming techniques. Board members had agreed to provide $1,270 to support the now third 10-week cycle and were asked to increase that amount to $2,270. The Network will receive feedback on the evidence based assessment results (both pre- and post-test). In addition, Youth and Family Link agreed to host 2-3 resource fairs open to the community where information about ways to work with children with behavior and mental health challenges will be shared.

Motion to increase the amount of funds to support the third 10-week cycle of the Parent Support Group to include payment for oversight of children to $2,270: Tiffany; second: Louise. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

ACTION: Transfer funding ($2,270) to Youth and Family Link for the third Parent Support Group 10-week cycle to begin in April. (Sharon)

ACTION: Invite our CFSWWA program officer to a Network Board meeting so we can share information about the work we are doing for the grant. (Sharon)

ACTION: Continue to explore opportunities for Conscious Discipline/NEAR training. (Sharon)

Community Charter Meeting, January 31: The January 31 Community Charter meeting was successful with 18 participants. The meeting objectives were to:

-Review and adopt the Cowlitz Community Charter 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives;

-Discuss how Charter members see themselves as participating;

-Gather Charter member input on the scope and types of information that will be used for a Community Charter Report.

There was considerable discussion and Charter members unanimously adopted the Cowlitz Community Charter 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives. They thought that having member organizations “sign” the Agenda would make it more powerful. Fourteen member organizations have signed so far and work will continue to invite more organizations to “sign.”

Milestones were reviewed and agreed upon, with the next milestone in March.

ACTION: Continue to contact Community Charter organization members and invite them to “sign” the Cowlitz Community Charter 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives. (Sharon)

Network Board Structure Review: As a result of the 2018 annual audit by the State Auditor’s Office Board members reviewed the Network Board structure to see if there was one that was a better fit for the Network. The auditor pointed out that RCW requires the Network in its current structure to have 23 board members. Board members looked at the pros and cons of the current structure, as a Special Purpose District and those of a nonprofit 501c3. Differences mentioned were potential funding opportunities, fiscal agent support, and time and cost of preparation of initial paperwork they may require legal support. Board members suggested that we continue with the current Board structure and push to increase board membership.

Performance Review/Employee Contract:

Also, as a result of the 2018 annual audit by the State Auditor’s Office Network Board members were given a list of the job duties performed by the Network Coordinator for review. While these duties are known and often directed by the Board, they are not documented. After some discussion, Michael asked that the list be emailed to him and he will develop job description.

ACTION: Email the list of job duties to Michael so he can develop a job description. (Sharon)

Upcoming Events:

-FYSPR meetings, third Tuesday of every month, 4:30–6pm, Youth and Family Link.

-Meeting to introduce the 2020 Highlands Time Bank, February 24, 7-7:30pm.

-Life Works is hosting a “Together We Can” event on March 26 at Lower Columbia College. The keynote speaker will be Russell Layman, an activist and poet. The Network will host a table at the event.

-Day of the Young Child, April, The Network will host a table at the event.


ACTION: Continue to explore opportunities for Financial Literacy training. (Sharon)

ACTION: Transfer funding ($2,270) to Youth and Family Link for the third Parent Support Group 10-week cycle to begin in April. (Sharon)

ACTION: Invite our CFSWWA program officer to a Network Board meeting so we can share information about the work we are doing for the grant. (Sharon)

ACTION: Continue to explore opportunities for Conscious Discipline/NEAR training. (Sharon)

ACTION: Continue to contact Community Charter organization members and invite them to “sign” the Cowlitz Community Charter 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives. (Sharon)

ACTION: Email the list of job duties to Michael so he can develop a job description. (Sharon)

Next Meeting: March 18, 2020

Board Minutes 1/15/2020

Cowlitz County Community Network

Board Meeting

Cowlitz County Administration Building Annex 2nd Floor Conference Room

January 15, 2020, 11:30 – 1:10PM

Present: Board members Michael O’Neill, Kay Gunter, Tiffany Ames, Olivia Aumiller, Louise Brown, Pastor Megan Filer, Zaheen Khan and Sharon Weinhold, Coordinator. Guests were Amanda Davis, Cowlitz County Health and Human Services; and Pastor Marv Kasemeier, New Song Worship Center.



Quorum: Yes

Welcome and Introductions: Michael welcomed everyone to the first Network Board meeting of 2020.  

Election of Officers: Michael opened the floor for nominations for Network Board chair. Pastor Megan nominated Michael. There were no other nominations. By unanimous vote, Michael will continue to serve as Network Board chair. Michael opened the floor for nominations for Network Board Vice Chair. Louise nominated Kay. There were no other nominations. By unanimous vote, Kay will continue to serve as Network Board Vice Chair. Thanks were expressed to Michael and Kay for their dedication and willingness to continue to lead the Network.

New Board Member Recommendations: Board members discussed potential candidates for Board membership. The Network board should be comprised of people from diverse backgrounds, working in many sectors serving children and families and who are compassionate about the work the Network is doing. Pastor Megan suggested the work of the Network be discussed at the upcoming Community Charter meeting with the hope that some Community Charter members will be interested in becoming Network Board members. It was suggested that Book Club members also be given the opportunity to serve on the Network Board. Pastor Marv expressed interest in becoming a Network Board member.

ACTION: Distribute information about the Network at the Community Charter meeting and Book Club meeting to increase Network Board membership. (Sharon)

ACTION: Email Pastor Marv a Network Board application form. (Sharon)

December 18, 2019 Minutes: The Board meeting minutes were sent to Board members for their review prior to the Board meeting. The thirteen actions listed in the minutes were completed or in the process of being completed.

Motion to approve the December 18, Network Board meeting minutes as presented: Tiffany; second: Zaheen. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Grant Status Report:

Current Grants Status:

-Financial Literacy Training ($10,000). This funding for Financial Literacy Training is available for one year through June 30, 2020, and will be used to train at-risk youth and families who live in poverty or have very low incomes, are homeless or at risk of homelessness, or are financially vulnerable. Amount expended through December 31, 2019, $4,468; amount reimbursed, $3,636.

-Behavioral Health Grant Help for At-Risk Youth with Behavioral Issues in Child Care ($22,900). This funding for Behavioral Health training is available for two years through June 30, 2021. The funding will be used to help children with behavioral challenges in child care by providing training for childcare providers and family members who work with and/or have children with behavioral challenges. Amount expended through December 31, 2019, $5,562; amount reimbursed, $4,720.

Approval of Expenditures:

The Itemized Voucher amounting to $3016.74 was presented to the Network Board for review and approval. The bills presented were:

Invoice 709-2019         Cowlitz County Purchasing Svc, Phone, November 2019 $     16.74

Invoice 2020 1T           Cowlitz County Treasurer, January Payroll/Processing             $3,000.00

Payroll for the period December 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 was $2,507.56, which includes the cost of the payroll and associated employer costs. Payroll processing charges were $54.66. As of December 31, 2019, the balance in the checking account used for payroll and payroll processing was $1,055. All other Network funds are held with the Cowlitz County Treasurer’s Office.

Motion to approve the voucher as presented: Pastor Megan; second: Louise. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

In December 2019, the Network received notice from the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington of approval of a grant application requesting $25,000 for Help and Support for Families with Children with Severe Behavior and Mental Health Challenges. The grant was funded by the Community Fund and Premera Social Impact Fund. The grant funds will be used to continue and expand free training for childcare providers, parents and other caregivers to help the growing number of children with behavior challenges, including those with extreme behaviors, be ready to start and succeed in school. The funds also will be used to provide specialized training, support groups and right response classes for parents, family members and others in the community so they can keep children with severe challenges safe when they are exhibiting dangerous behaviors. A Press Release has been prepared to thank and recognize the Community Foundation for the support and funding. The letter that accompanied the funding said the Program Officer plans to engage with the Network in an ongoing dialogue as the Network performs the grant work. Board members suggested that the Community Foundation Program Officer be invited to the upcoming Community Charter meeting.

ACTION: Submit the Press Release recognizing and expressing thanks to the Community Foundation for approval prior to sending it to The Daily News. (Sharon)

ACTION: Invite the Community Foundation Program Officer, Maka Gibson, to the upcoming Community Charter meeting. (Sharon)

The WA State Auditor’s Office completed their Assessment Audit of the Network’s 2018 annual financial report in November 2019. The Network received an invoice for $300.30 on January 14, 2020 to cover the cost of the audit. The audit contained several recommendations for the Network Board to consider. At the direction of the Network Board, a response to add context to the recommendations and steps that will be taken was prepared and sent to the auditor with a request that the response be included in the audit file.

2020 Budget/Expenditure and Revenue Estimates. The 2020 budget was prepared with input from Board members for submission to the Cowlitz County Office of Administrative Services. The budget estimates: Beginning Fund Balance, $73,258; Revenues, $25,000; Expenditures, $47,710; Ending Fund Balance, $50,548. The Network is totally grant funded and it is difficult to project revenues and expenses. Funding is linked to funded projects; expenses are project driven and are adjusted to reflect the amount of funding.

Motion to approve the 2020 Network budget as presented above: Tiffany; second: Pastor Megan. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

ACTION: Submit the Board approved 2020 Cowlitz Community Network budget to the Cowlitz County Office of Administrative Services. (Sharon)

Financial Literacy Training:

-Grant Details. The Financial Literacy Grant funding is for training at-risk youth and families who are financially vulnerable. The training topics are geared to the audience and may include Bank on It, Setting Financial Goals, Borrowing Basics, Saving for Cars/College/Housing and more depending on the participants.

-The Network presented Financial Literacy training to the Holland Reunion Group at Lifeworks on December 19. The focus areas were budgeting and credit. Eleven people participated. Feedback was excellent.

-The Network is scheduled to present Financial Literacy training to participants of the after school program at Barnes Elementary School. Training will be on January 22 and 29, and February 5 and 12.

-The Network has been invited to participate with Fibre Federal Credit Union to present Financial Literacy training at Goodwill on February 7.

-Other opportunities being explored include training at Discovery HS, Quest, and the Juvenile Facility.

ACTION: Continue to explore opportunities for Financial Literacy training. (Sharon)

Behavioral Health Grant:

-Grant Details. The Behavioral Health Grant funding provides technical assistance and training for child care providers who serve children with behavioral issues, and offers training and resources for family members who have children with behavioral challenges.

-The Network presented Conscious Discipline training to the Holland Reunion Group at Lifeworks on December 19. Eleven people participated and expressed interest in receiving additional Conscious Discipline training. Feedback was excellent.

-The fifth and last meeting of the book club to discuss Becky Bailey’s book Managing Emotional Mayhem, will be held on January 21. For the meeting, participants were asked to be prepared to reveal one or two things they learned from Chapter 5 or the book they would like to share with others and something they recommend parents do often to help their children.

-Kalama School District has invited the Network to provide Conscious Discipline training on February 10.

-The Network has been invited to give a Conscious Discipline presentation for Ministerial Association members on February 18.

-Housing Opportunities of Southwest Washington has expressed interest in having Conscious Discipline training presented in Woodland. A meeting is scheduled to discuss further.

-Right Response training will be presented at Life Works in February. The cost to participate in the 2-day training is $250/person.

-The next Parent Support Group hosted by Youth and Family Link is scheduled to begin the first week in February. Olivia reported that 9 parents and 15 children have signed up to participate. Board members agreed to provide $1,270 to support the 10-week cycle.

ACTION: Transfer funding ($1,270) to Youth and Family Link for the next Parent Support Group 10-week cycle to begin the first week in February. (Sharon)

ACTION: Continue to explore opportunities for Conscious Discipline/NEAR training. (Sharon)

Community Charter Meeting, January 31: The next Community Charter meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 31, 9-10:30am, at the Cowlitz County Administration Building 3rd floor meeting room. Michaelshared a proposed Cowlitz County Community Charter 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives for Board member comment and input. Community Charter members previously had agreed that childcare issues are a critical priority and finding local solutions should be the focus in 2020. The proposal for 2020 is to identify feasible actions for Community Charter members to take during 2020 to include compiling an inventory of services being provided, identifying gaps in services and assessing the capacity to serve families who have children with severe behaviors. Board members discussed and agreed with minor modification the proposed agenda and objectives.

ACTION: Along with a meeting reminder, email the proposed Cowlitz County Community Charter 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives to Community Charter members. (Sharon)

ACTION: Prepare a meeting agenda for the January 31 Community Charter meeting. (Michael and Sharon)

Network Board Structure Review: Time did not allow discussion of this item. It will be included as an agenda item for the February Network Board meeting. Also included on the agenda will be the coordinator’s performance review.

ACTION: Include Network Board Structure Review on the agenda for the February 19 Network Board meeting. (Sharon)

ACTION: Include coordinator’s performance review and development of an employee contract on the agenda for the February 19 Network Board meeting. (Sharon)

Upcoming Events:

-FYSPR meetings, third Tuesday of every month, 4:30–6pm, Youth and Family Link.

-Last Book Club meeting, January 21 at Head Start.

-Project Homeless Connect, January 23, 10am – 3pm, McClelland Arts Center.

-Life Works is hosting a “Together We Can” event on March 26 at Lower Columbia College. The keynote speaker will be Russell Layman, an activist and poet. The Network will host a table at the event.  


ACTION: Distribute information about the Network at the Community Charter meeting and Book Club meeting. (Sharon)

ACTION: Email Pastor Marv a Network Board application form. (Sharon)

ACTION: Submit the Press Release recognizing and expressing thanks to the Community Foundation for approval prior to sending it to The Daily News. (Sharon)

ACTION: Invite the Community Foundation Program Officer, Maka Gibson, to the upcoming Community Charter meeting. (Sharon)

ACTION: Submit the Board approved 2020 Cowlitz Community Network budget to the Cowlitz County Office of Administrative Services. (Sharon)

ACTION: Continue to explore opportunities for Financial Literacy training. (Sharon)

ACTION: Transfer funding ($1,270) to Youth and Family Link for the next Parent Support Group 10-week cycle to begin the first week in February. (Sharon)

ACTION: Continue to explore opportunities for Conscious Discipline/NEAR training. (Sharon)

ACTION: Along with a meeting reminder, email the proposed Cowlitz County Community Charter 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives to Community Charter members. (Sharon)

ACTION: Prepare a meeting agenda for the January 31 Community Charter meeting. (Michael and Sharon)

ACTION: Include Network Board Structure Review on the agenda for the February 19 Network Board meeting. (Sharon)

ACTION: Include coordinator’s performance review and development of an employee contract on the agenda for the February 19 Network Board meeting. (Sharon)

Next Meeting: February 19, 2020