Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 | 11:30 – 1:00PM


Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Laurie Severson, Gabby Meador, Corie Dow-Kramer; Jeane Conrad Guests Present: Chelsea Pugh, Gayle Reid Staff Present: Rochelle Fassold

Introductions and Icebreaker

Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation. Everyone participated in the icebreaker question.

Additions to Agenda

Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.

03-2022 CCN Minutes (draft)

04-2022 Treasurer’s Report

04-2022 Red Canoe statement

Motion: Gabby motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Louise seconded, and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $7,800

7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022: To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County.

Expected Outcomes: 80% of child care centers will have staff participating in at least one training; at least 100 child care provider staff will attend at least one training; at least 6 trainings will be conducted for providers; at least 4 trainings will be conducted for families, share information at least two times per month; at least 100 new subscribers on the distribution list.

Program Activities: The Network has scheduled virtual learning Conscious Discipline sessions for childcare providers and families on the fourth Thursday of the month, January – June 2022, from 6-7:30pm.

Program Updates: Michael and Rochelle informed the group that no one showed up for the March session. Rochelle let board members know that participants were followed up with and received confirmation from 5 people about attending the next 3 classes. In addition, the BH class flyer was reposted on Facebook, and distributed to other early learning centers including Nook’s and Granny’s in Kalama and EOCF Woodland. Rochelle will email flyer to Gayle Reid.

Old Business

Staff Transition

New Program Coordinator Training Schedule update- 90 day check in- training review scheduled for May 24th @ 9am with Michael, Corie, Jeane, and Louise at Y&F


Rochelle removed all items from annex building storage except 6 boxes of locked personnel files -discussed

WOYC event report: Corie provided an update

Approx 300 bags were distributed at the event with CCN flyers in them

250 reusable CCN logo bags are at Y&F to be used for next year’s event

New Business

Next Audit due 5/30/2022 (Rochelle and Amber are scheduled to work on it May 9th)

New grant ideas and goals

According to survey data the top needs of childcare providers are affordability and availability (including extended before and after school hours and weekends) and staffing shortages

Ideas for using the survey data already collected to offer solutions- Subsidizing childcare for employees, outreach to connect with parents and childcare providers, community awareness

Help searching and applying for new grants: Rochelle has been emailing Sharon Weinhold about getting help to secure and write our next grant. Sharon is happy to help if it is in person in town. When they meet, they will discuss applying for a grant from the Community Foundation of SW Washington.

Ideas discussed: The board agreed upon the need to regroup and talk about possible next steps and project direction. To help facilitate this Michael encouraged getting another community charter meeting set up. Focusing on partnering with larger organizations to provide needed resources and/or training to early learning centers, teachers, schools, families, home providers, and family caregivers. Assessing what centers need to be successful, retain and support teachers and paying special attention to the long-term impact of the COVID pandemic. Plans will be discussed in more detail about reaching out to the early learning providers, setting up focus and parent groups, and raising more attention to the government about making a positive impact.

Ideas for virtual training incentives, $500 to spend:

Gift cards for coffee or Conscious Discipline store

Children’s CD books to give out to parents as incentives for providing information

Have a drawing for each CD session to win a CD book

Purchasing CD flip calendars or skills on a string tip cards for teachers

Michael and Rochelle will plan a follow-up discussion about purchasing incentives to use for the remainder of the BH grant. Consensus was to spend $100 per class on a CD website gift card(s) as a drawing give away. Leaving $200 to spend on purchasing books (Shubert and Sophie) to give out to centers or families.


Partnering with EOCF Woodland-Rochelle is visiting with the site director Amie on April 20th

Community Events


Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17th, 2022, from 12-1pm