Tuesday, January 24th, 2023 | 12:00PM – 1:00PM 


Present:  Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Kay Gunter, Laurie Severson, Jeane Conrad 

Absent: Gabby Meador, Corie Dow-Kramer  

Guests Present:  

Staff Present: Rochelle Fassold 

Introductions and Icebreaker:  Happy New Year! What are you most excited about for this year? 

Additions to Agenda–   Propose new meeting time 

Consent Agenda 

Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting. 

  • 12-2022 CCN Minutes (draft) 
  • 01-2023 Treasurer’s Report 
  • 01-2023 Red Canoe statement  
  • 2023 Operating Budget 

Motion: Kay motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Louise seconded, and the motion carried

Old Business  

  • Approve 2023 Operating Budget–  
  • The board reviewed and voted.  Laurie motioned to approve the operating budget as presented and Kay seconded, and the motion carried.  
  • Update on Luggage of Love-Non-profit transition:  
  • Joint board meeting to be held in March.  Rochelle to follow-up with updates from Corie. 
  • Discuss outcomes from the Board Strategy Work session held on January 20th 

The Network’s goals: 

  • Organize a work group to start creating a one-page service proposal sheet to partner with different agencies around the community to obtain contracts to host Conscious Discipline book clubs and/or trainings on topics such as ACEs, NEAR, SEL, and financial literacy 
  • Organize and facilitate FFN playgroups and support FFN caregivers as needed.  
  • Help coordinate the early learning conference in the Spring and Fall 
  • Partner with Head Start-LCC, The Children’s Discovery Museum, and the Cowlitz Tribe 
  • Connect with translators/interpreters to provide materials to diverse populations 
  • Acknowledge the stress that parents and families have gone through in the past 3 years and find ways to increase positive family engagement  
  • Utilize technology as a positive resource and coordinate with other programs being offered such as Strengthening Families  
  • Firstenburg Grant Cycle open January 16th-February 28th 
  • Rochelle revising application and will send to board for review before resubmitting 
  • Laurie suggested highlighting the connection of how childcare affects the economy. She recommended using the Raising of America documentary as a reference 

New Business 

  • Discuss Participation for Celebration of Children-WOYC on March 31st 1-7pm 
  • The board decided to have a booth at the resource fair and will provide parent information and a child activity 
  • Also donating a giveaway prize for the families that participate during the week on Facebook 
  • Rochelle to fill out and submit registration form 
  • Propose new meeting time 
  • Rochelle to send a doodle poll to the board to propose a new meeting time that works best for everyone 

Community Events 

  • Empowering Parents hosted by the KSD on Tues 5-7pm– Jeane shared information and flyer for this event. Rochelle to send flyer to board and post on Facebook 

Next Meeting  

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 21st , 2023, 12pm-1pm