Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 21st , 2023 | 12:00PM – 1:00PM
Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Kay Gunter, Jeane Conrad
Absent: Corie Dow-Kramer, Laurie Severson
Guests Present: Ann Little (Cowlitz Tribe)
Staff Present: Rochelle Fassold
Introductions and Icebreaker: Are you more productive in the mornings or in the afternoon/evening hours?
Additions to Agenda–
Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.
- 01-2023 CCN Minutes (draft)
- 02-2023 Treasurer’s Report
- 02-2023 Red Canoe statement
- 2021 Audit Assessment
Motion: Kay motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Louise seconded, and the motion carried.
Old Business
- Update on Luggage of Love-Non-profit transition
- Corie was not present to give an update
- Firstenburg grant application revised submission due by February 28th–
- Rochelle to resend application to board for review with new proposed program budget
- Jeane suggested looking into Grant writing classes offered by the City of Kelso to get assistance on future grants
New Business
- Guest Ann Little-CCDP (see attached flyer)
- Well-funded federal program that spends approximately $170,000 per month to child care centers, churches, and FFN care providers
- There are no income requirements to qualify for and parents don’t have to be working or in school
- The program also helps train FFN caregivers with CPR training, background checks, health and safety and emergency preparedness training
- The board discussed the possibility of partnering with the Cowlitz Tribe to offer Conscious Discipline book clubs or trainings to families of care providers. Michael also invited Ann to consider joining the Network board.
- Ann suggested getting in touch with Kristina Langley, Sara Hegnes, and Carmen McLain and make sure that the Network can present data showing the effectiveness of CD trainings for prospective partners
- Follow up discussion on RFP meeting held on Feb. 13th-
- Plans of starting book club at Wallace Center- meeting with Y&F and Head start was cancelled, and Rochelle is waiting for the meeting to be rescheduled
- Michael highlighted the key points or the RFP work session to the present board members
- 2021 Audit Assessment completed (attached)
- Cost $400 due in March- This is a requirement due to the Network’s governmental status and hopefully the audit process will be easier when we become a non-profit status
- Rochelle to clarify the requirement with Sharon
- 2022 Audit due May 30, 2023
- Notice- Gabby has resigned from the board and her position at the Woodland School District to spend more time with her family
- Reminder to the board members to think of people to invite to join the Network board
Community Events
- Participation in Celebration of Children-
Week of the Young Child Resource Fair Friday, March 31st 1-7pm
- Stuff activity grab n go bags March 22nd-March 23rd 12:30pm-4pm @ WSU Ext building
- Louise volunteered to help Wed and Kay on Thurs
- Interest to help set up (10am-1pm), read stories, and/or volunteer at the resource table
- Louise volunteered to help from 12pm-3pm and read a story
- Kay volunteered to attend all day if needed and read-
- Michael volunteered to attend for the later shift 4-7pm and read around 430pm
- Discuss purchasing needed items (tablecloth banner, copies, child activities ideas)
- Rochelle to get cost estimates to present at next meeting
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 15th, 2023 12-1pm (3rd Wednesdays at noon going forward)