Cowlitz County Community Network Board Meeting

Cowlitz County Administration Building Annex 2nd Floor Conference Room

June 17, 2020, 11:30 – 1:10PM

Present: Board members Michael O’Neill, Kay Gunter, Louise Brown, Tiffany Ames, Olivia Aumiller, Jill Groves for Laurie Severson and Sharon Weinhold, Coordinator.

Excused: None

Unexcused: None

Quorum: Yes

Additions to Agenda: Retirement of Network Coordinator

Welcome and Introductions: Michael welcomed those present and those on the phone and thanked them for their participation. Seating allowed for social distancing.

March 18, 2020 Minutes and April 15 and May 20, 2020 Updates: The Board meeting minutes and April and May updates were sent to the Board members for their review prior to the Board meeting. Of the six action items listed in the March minutes, five were completed. One action item, the item to provide an outline of the report to spread community awareness of the current support needed for children and families, and the effects that ripple outward across the system due to gaps in services was not completed. A special meeting will be held on June 22 to develop this outline.

Motion to approve the March 18, 2020 Network Board meeting minutes and April 15 and May 20, 2020 updates as presented: Jill; second: Kay. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Grant Status Report:

Current Grants Status as of May 31, 2020:

-Financial Literacy Training ($10,000). This funding for Financial Literacy Training is available for one year through June 30, 2020 and will be used to train at-risk youth and families who live in poverty or have very low incomes, are homeless or at risk of homelessness, or are financially vulnerable. Amount expended through May 31, 2020, $9,061; amount reimbursed, $7,542.

-Behavioral Health Grant Help for At-Risk Youth with Behavioral Issues in Child Care ($22,900). This funding for Behavioral Health training is available for two years through June 30, 2021. The funding will be used to help children with behavioral challenges in child care by providing training for childcare providers and family members who work with and/or have children with behavioral challenges. Amount expended through May 31, 2020, $9,735; amount reimbursed, $8,954.

-Community Foundation for SW Washington ($25,000). The Network received $25,000 from the CFSWWA in late December 2019. The funding is available through December 31, 2020. This funding will be used to support and help the growing number of children with behavior challenges, including those with extreme behavior and mental health challenges, and enhance the work of the Community Charter members in gaining more resources in our community for these children and their families. Amount expended through May 31, 2020, $1,620.

-Financial Literacy Training ($10,000). The Network received a follow-on grant for Financial Literacy Training which will be available for one year from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. The funding is for the same purpose as the previous Financial Literacy Training grant. Reporting against this new grant will begin in July 2020.

Approval of Expenditures:

The Itemized Voucher amounting to $4,483.76 was presented to the Network Board for review and approval. The bills presented were:

Invoice 2020 1 ELE    Cowlitz County Elections Copies                                     $5.28

Invoice 288-2020        Cowlitz County Purchasing Svc Phone, April 2020       $19.21

Invoice 2020 6T          Cowlitz County Treasurer, July Payroll/Processing   $3,000.00

Invoice L137213         State Auditors Office, Assessment Audit 2019             $226.20

Invoice 2020 2                        Sharon Weinhold, Supplies/Mileage                           $1,765.34

Invoice 2020 2 for $1,765.34 includes amounts to be paid for Cowlitz Community Network 2-year domain renewal, $75.71; annual DNS and Website Hosting, $104.05; Ofc365 Yearly Subscription, $162.15; fixing undeliverable email issue, $526.99 and annual Professional/General Liability Insurance, $895.00.

Payroll for the period May 1, 2020 through May 31, 2020 was $2,507.56, which includes the cost of the payroll and associated employer costs. Payroll processing charges were $54.66. As of May 31, 2020, the balance in the checking account used for payroll and payroll processing was $3,126.83. All other Network funds are held with the Cowlitz County Treasurer’s Office.

Motion to approve the voucher as presented: Kay; second: Tiffany. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

-State Department of Commerce Childcare Partnership Grants. Michael brought to the Board’s attention a Department of Commerce grant opportunity that is soliciting applications to support local partnerships to develop action plans that stabilize and expand childcare capacity for underserved areas and for historically marginalized communities and families. Grants will be awarded up to $100,000. Applications are due on July 10, 2020. Michael suggested that the Network Board review this opportunity and discuss the grant opportunity further.

ACTION: Provide the State Department of Commerce Grant information mentioned at the Board meeting to the Board. (Michael)

ACTION: Review the State Department of Commerce Grant opportunity and begin to prepare an application if appropriate. (Network Board and Coordinator)

Audit Results: The Office of the Washington State Auditor completed the Cowlitz Community Network Assessment Audit for the period January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. The report, published on May 21, 2020 stated that “based on the procedures performed, nothing came to our attention in the areas we reviewed that caused us to believe the Network was not in substantial compliance with applicable state laws, regulations, and its own policies, or had significant weaknesses in controls over the safeguarding of public resources.

Financial Literacy Training:

-Grant Details. The Financial Literacy Grant funding is for training at-risk youth and families who are financially vulnerable. The training topics are geared to the audience and may include Bank on It, Setting Financial Goals, Borrowing Basics, Saving for Cars/College/Housing and more depending on the participants.

-Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and cancellation of school, the Network was not able to continue in person training. The Network began to email weekly Financial Literacy information that includes lessons for children and information primarily on budgeting and credit for adults. To date, 14 Financial Literacy weekly emails have been sent to over 300 parents. The emails have received an excellent response and are planned to continue even after Covid-19 restrictions are removed.

-The Network prepared and sent an email in May to all elementary school teachers in the Longview and Kelso School Districts. The email invites the teachers to receive the Financial Literacy emails for use in their classrooms or request in person training. Several teachers have responded and are interested in sharing Financial Literacy information with their students. Network Board members suggested that if Covid-19 precautions and social distancing continue into the new school year, training could be offered by Zoom or some other virtual technique. Several Board members said they had experience with virtual training and would be happy to help.

Behavioral Health Grant:

-Grant Details. The Behavioral Health Grant funding provides technical assistance and training for childcare providers who serve children with behavioral issues and offers training and resources for family members who have children with behavioral challenges.

-Prepared and sent weekly (rather than bi-weekly) behavioral health best practice emails as recommended at the March 18 Board meeting.

-Surveyed Cowlitz County Child Care Center and Home Care providers to determine the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on their providing childcare and offered support. The survey showed:

     -For Child Care Center providers, all saw a drop in attendance in March. Most stayed open except for Head Start, 3 Rivers Christian, Kalama Early Learning Center, and the YMCA. Head Start continued to serve those children in urgent need, 3 Rivers Christian was closed for 5 weeks and re-opened May 11, and the Kalama Early Learning Center and YMCA are still closed. Most received State funding and participated in the Paycheck Protection Program. Those that are open began to see attendance improve in May but must limit class size in accordance Covid-19 policy. Attendance ranges from 40-70% of full capacity. Several providers expressed appreciation for the interesting and relevant best practice emails.

     -For Home Care providers, all stayed open. Several who serve primarily essential workers continued to have all slots filled. Those who did not serve mostly essential workers started to see attendance begin to pick up in May. Some had siblings who were not in school taking a slot resulting in the same number of children attending but fewer families participating. Many expressed appreciation for their Child Care Aware Coaches who helped with supplies. Several Home Care providers had questions about the quarantine and mask requirements. It was suggested those providers call the Health Department for official answers.

Covid-19 Grant. The Network applied for a Covid-19 Grant to be funded by WA DOH. DOH feedback was there were over 600 applications and the Network was not selected to receive funding.

Community Foundation for SW Washington Grant.

-Work on this grant started but paused with the advent of Covid-19 restrictions and uncertainties regarding meetings. With Cowlitz County being approved to move more toward “normal”, it is time to re-energize the work. Board members expressed a willingness to begin discussions before the July Board meeting to create a roadmap forward. It was suggested that initial discussions begin online or on June 22.

-The Community Foundation Program Officer has expressed interest in keeping in touch with the Network and the work on the grant. The July Network Board meeting would be an excellent opportunity to present the roadmap to the Program Officer.

ACTION: Invite the Community Foundation Program Officer to the Network Board meeting on July 15. (Network Coordinator)

Retirement of Network Coordinator and Position Description: The Network Coordinator will retire from the Network on June 30, 2020. A potential candidate to fill the position has been identified and some information about the candidate’s work history was presented. A position description has been prepared that lists job responsibilities and desired qualifications. Board members requested an opportunity to interview the candidate and ask questions about their background, interest and qualifications. The interview date tentatively selected is June 22. Michael will touch base with the candidate to check availability. Board members were invited to submit interview questions.

ACTION: If the candidate for Network Coordinator is available, schedule the interview and reserve the meeting room for June 22.

Upcoming Events: Olivia said Youth and Family Link is planning a virtual baby shower to receive donations of baby items for distribution to those in need. Date TBD.


ACTION: Provide the State Department of Commerce Grant information mentioned at the Board meeting to the Board. (Michael)

ACTION: Review the State Department of Commerce Grant opportunity and begin to prepare an application if appropriate. (Network Board and Coordinator)

ACTION: Invite the Community Foundation Program Officer to the Network Board meeting on July 15. (Network Coordinator)

ACTION: If the potential candidate for Network Coordinator is available, schedule the interview and reserve the meeting room for June 22. (Sharon)

Next Meeting: July 15, 2020