Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting 

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023 | 12:00PM – 1:00PM 


Present:  Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Kay Gunter, Corie Dow-Kramer, Laurie Severson, Jeane Conrad 


Staff Present: Rochelle Fassold 

Introductions and Icebreaker: What was your first job and did it help lead into your career? 

Additions to Agenda–    

Consent Agenda 

Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting. 

  • 03-2023 CCN Minutes (draft) 
  • 04-2023 Treasurer’s Report 
  • 0-2023 Red Canoe statement  

Motion: Kay motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Jeane seconded, and the motion carried

Grant Status Reports 

  • Firstenburg Foundation granted awarded $30,000 for FFN program: Rochelle to draft a press release for the The Daily News to thank Firstenburg for their support and send to Michael and Louise for review. 
  • Review and discuss FFN Program Summer Schedule (DRAFT attached) 
  • Child supervision during playgroups:  Possibly using elementary playgrounds instead of open parks, contacting Kelso childcare classes or other high schoolers about getting community service hours or stipend end for help with supervising the children, or talk to caregivers one-on-one so they are not pulled away from the kids, invite service providers to help and promote their work. 
  • Check our insurance coverage for liabilities 
  • Check with Ann from Cowlitz Tribe on providing CPR classes 
  • Have caregivers wear name tags and possibly include the Conscious Discipline Hello ritual  
  • Themes and activities: “Importance of Play”  A child’s play is how children learn.  Emphasize what caregivers are aleady doing and how it links to the child’s learning.  Collecting resources to use like “I am moving, I am learning” and 
  • Discuss recruitment (DRAFT flyer attached) 
  • Include a tentative schedule on the website 
  • Contact the high schools about getting flyer and sign-up survey translated into Spanish 
  • Include June 1st start date on flyer and share on Facebook, our website, and through the newsletter, and email to community partners who can also share 

New Business 

  • Childcare of America grant application due April 21stRochelle to submit an application to requesting additional funding to support our FFN program 
  • United Way grant application due May 1stRochelle working on application to submit before deadline requesting funding in regard to creating a Parent Advisory Board and our plans to impact KG readiness by helping kids be more prepared to start school 
  • Need to upgrade newsletter delivery service:  Mailchimp subscription cost $26.50/mo: Board approved of paying for subscription to upgrade the service 

Community Events 

  • Highlights from the Week of the Young Child Resource Fair held on Friday, March 31st 

Michael suggested taking a picture of the paper plates emotions that kids drew to post and share.  275 bags were handed out at the event, 21 people signed up for the newsletter, and Selah Mitchell shared interest in helping us with facilitating Conscious Discipline classes. 

Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 17th, 2023, 12-1pm 

Need to reschedule future meetings:  June 21st  rescheduled to June 28th AND August 16th  rescheduled to August 18th